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The Silent Patient : Book Review

the silent patient book review

The Silent Patient Book Review

Rating: 4.5/5
Author: Alex Michaelides
Genre: Thriller
Pages: 340

I found the book summary on the back cover of this book rather intriguing. The last thriller that I read was The girl on the train. Although it wasn’t a bad book, the ending of that one had let me down. So, I was skeptical about reading this one because I dislike books with bad endings more than I despise lizards. But sometimes (*a dramatic pause), you don’t choose the book. The book chooses you.

That said, being a fan of psychology (haven’t studied the subject formally though), I was looking forward to the references to the subject matter (of psychology) in the book.

The Silent Patient : Book Review

A perfect thriller. Despite the fact that there aren’t too many mind bending moments, there is an unspoken mystery in the storyline. The story is well paced throughtout and smoothly plays out in front of your eyes. And all of the plot leads to an unconventional and hard to imagine ending.

The use of words and  atmosphere created do not  much reek of a thriller. But the whodunnit grows on the unsuspecting readers and keeps one hooked until the last page. The protagonist Theo is a Psychotherapist and the book has been written from his point of view. From the very start of the book, one is able to build a connect with him, even sympathise with him. His intentions to help Alicia become yours too. You  root for him to get Alicia out of the mess she got herself in.  Despite the simplicity with which the story has been written, you will get immersed and hooked on the plot.

The book has a fair share of suspects but the author doesn’t go overboard with incriminating them unnecessarily. The story plays out in a very controlled and systematic manner and yet pervades you with curiosity to know the truth. The most interesting part about the book, IMO, is how the play of psychology has been interweaved in the book.

As an ending note, I found this psychological thriller out of the box, suspenseful to the core and unnerving. Moreover, the book allows me to see the  profession of psychotherapy in a very different light (mostly in a good sense).

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Happy Reading. Chao!

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