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5 Rhymes To Drive Away Valentine Blues

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For heaven’s sake, this is not a valentines day post. Or a post on how to get through valentines day if you’re single. This is about the best love poems of all times that will tug at your heartstrings and make your heart melt in a second even if you are a cyborg .

Here goes the list of top 5 love poems that have been loved and lived:

1. “Tonight I can write the saddest lines” By Pablo Neruda

The poem about heart break will tear your heart out. The overwhelming love and sustained pain of rejection of one, and the indifference of another in this saga of unrequited love is stirring. This man sure was a lover like no one else.

Find the link here.

2. ”How Do I Love Thee? Let Me Count the Ways” By Elizabeth Barrett Browning

When you are in love, it’s almost impossible to understand the intensity and depth of it. You just fail to find the right words to explain what it feels like to be in love, right?

It’s a beautiful poem in that sense. It just gives length, breadth and depth to the feeling that love is.

Find the link here.

3. ”I carry your heart with me” By E.E. Cummings

Lucky are men that shall feel this way for their lover and blessed are those women whose lovers shall sing this to them. (Quick witted will be those who shall not try to think of this as a sexist remark).

This poem gives one goosebumps and that being-safe-in-your-lovers-arms kind of feeling, doesn’t it?

Find the link here.

4. ”That I Did Always Love” By Emily Dickinson

Strong emotions are like gusts of wind, all you can do is withstand them. You will feel this flurry of inordinate love hit you as you read this short yet immensely moving poem. I am reminded of “Words” by Boyzone every time I read this one.

“Words and words is all I have to take your heart away”

Find the link here.

5. “If You Forget Me“- By Pablo Neruda

This poem exudes the desperation in love. It is not the old school sweet romantic love. It is the kind of love that is capable of shining on you or hitting like a thunderbolt.

The poem kind of sounds not vengeful but indifferent, you know. I will not burn alone.

Find the link here.

To surmise, love is complicated. Thankfully, we’ve had these great men and women time and again, who’ve left us with these priceless musings on love.

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Happy Valentines Day. Chao!