Health Health & Lifestyle

9 DIY Face Mask For Healthy & Glowing Skin

I was uncertain about whether I should do this particular post or not. I think there is a perception that skin care is the realm of fairer sex. Strangely men getting facials and manicures are not remotely as commonplace as it is correlated with females. Well, for all those men who are into skin care, but have second thoughts in going to salons to get a facial, I have an easy way out for you and 8 reasons why you need to apply a face pack on yourself. Since most women don’t need coaxing for taking applying face masks, they might as well skip to the section where I’ve mentioned 9 effective DIY face mask for radiant skin.

Here Go The Benefits of DIY Face Packs:

1. Relaxation: Apply a face pack, close your eyes, lie on your favorite couch and completely relax. The soothing effect of the mask is going to calm down your mind as well.

2. Get Glowing Skin: Well, I have to break this to you guys, girls like a rough and tough look. But they devour good skin.

3. Listen to an audio book or even Radio: You may listen to audio-books or podcasts, that you’ve wanted to hear for a while now, with the mask on. Or maybe play stand-up comedy for which you otherwise cannot take time out.

4. Relax Your Eyes: We are at all times straining our eyes over gadgets, office work, social media. DIY Face mask not only gives a much-needed break to the eyes but can help reduce dark circles as well

5. Calm your skin down: These masks are not only meant to get a glowing skin. They are more importantly needed to reverse the damage caused by free radicals, pollution, and stress.

6. Get a break from cosmetics: Most products that we use like moisturizers, soaps, shaving creams (in case of men) have at least a few chemicals. Why not, once in a while, use natural products and let the skin breathe.

7. Get a break from the Crazy World: Well, it’s time to break free from the norms and retaliate. Apply that mask, let not world tell you how a guy is supposed to be and enjoy some me time.

8. Mask date with your girlfriend: You and your girlfriend sitting under a starry night, listening to When Harry Met Sally, with facial masks on and sipping love potion (read red wine). Just kidding. It’ll be hilarious if someone actually tries it.

Skin Care DIY Face Masks

Phew! And they say girls are complicated. I hope at least a few guys give face pack a chance. Before I get on to the list of homemade face mask, I will clear up facial vocab for people who are new to it.

There are four essentials that you need to understand about skin care: exfoliation (means removing dead cells), cleansing (involves removing dust, oil, and pollutants), toning ( includes removing the leftover dead cells, dust, and nourishing, hydrating and restoring the pH balance of the skin) and moisturizing (comprises making skin supple and hydrated for long).

Without any further ado, let’s jump onto the list of DIY face masks :

1. Yogurt, Lemon and Honey DIY Face Mask

This pack exfoliates, cleanses, tones and moisturizes. Honey in this mask is anti-microbial and rich in antioxidants, and helps removes dead skin cells and gives a smooth and supple skin.
Yogurt is the best natural moisturizer which helps in keeping the skin hydrated. The lactic acid in yogurt eliminates dead cells and prevents your skin from aging.
Lemon can improve the skin texture, remove dirt and cleanse the skin .

How To Apply DIY Face Mask: Take 1 Tbs of Yogurt, 1/3 Tbs of honey and 1/3 Tbs of Lime juice. Whisk well, gently massage for 2 minutes and keep it applied for 10 minutes.

2. Gram Flour,Turmeric Powder,Yogurt and Lemon Mask

This pack again exfoliates, cleanses, tones and moisturizes. Gram flour is a great for exfoliation. Turmeric powder is anti-inflammatory and can calm your skin. People with acne can benefit from applying turmeric powder.

How To Apply DIY Face Mask : 2 Tbs of Yogurt, a pinch of turmeric (you don’t want to turn yellow), 1 Tbs of gram flour, 1/2 Tbs of lemon. Whisk well, gently massage for 2 minutes and keep it applied for 15 minutes.

3. Cucumber, Lemon and Yogurt DIY Pack

Cucumbers are soothing and have a calming effect on your skin. Cucumber juice serves as an excellent toner for the skin and can be applied independently. For best results it should be applied after exfoliating and cleansing. Lemon and yogurt makes this paste with cucumber juice a cleanser and an exfoliator.

How To Apply DIY Face Mask:  1 Tbs of Yogurt, , 1 Tbs of Cucumber juice, 1/3 Tbs of lemon. Whisk well, gently massage for 2 minutes and keep it applied for 15 minutes.

4. Tomato, Yogurt and Lemon Face Pack

Like cucumber juice, tomato juice is a wonderful natural toner. It evens out the skin tone, fades the blemishes, smoothens the facial lines and gives a radiant skin. For best results it should be applied after exfoliating and cleansing. Lemon and yogurt makes this paste with tomato juice a cleanser and an exfoliator.

How To Apply Homemade Face Mask: 1 Tbs of Yogurt, , 1 Tbs of Tomato juice, 1/3 Tbs of lemon. Whisk well, gently massage for 2 minutes and keep it applied for 12 minutes.

5. Glycerin, Lemon and Rose Water Mask

Glycerin is a toner, cleanser & moisturizer. At the same time, rose water helps in eliminating dust and oil from pores. This face pack is the least messy and can be prepared and stored in a vial. Regular use with give a well nourished and glowing skin.

How To Apply DIY Face Mask 1 Tbs of glycerin, , 1/2 Tbs of rose water, 1/2 Tbs of lemon. Whisk well, gently massage for 2 minutes and keep it applied for 15 minutes.

6. Potato and Lemon DIY Face Pack

Potato is a natural bleaching agent and can remove tan and lighten your skin. It is especially good for blemishes and marks on face. Potato can be used for toning after cleansing and exfoliating. Lemon with potato juice acts as a good cleanser.

How To Apply Homemade Face Mask: 1 Tbs of potato juice, 1/2 Tbs of lemon. Whisk well, gently massage for 2 minutes and keep it applied for 10 minutes.

7. Egg white, Honey and Yogurt Face Pack

Egg white helps in reducing wrinkles and tightening and closing the large open pores on the skin. When it is mixed with yogurt and honey, the mask acts as a perfect exfoliator, cleanser, toner and moisturizer. It is a sure shot remedy to get a healthy and glowing skin.

How To Apply Homemade Face Mask: 2 Tbs of Egg white, 1 Tbs of yogurt. 1/2Tbs of honey. Whisk well, gently massage for 2 minutes and keep it applied for 12 minutes.

8. Avocado and Lemon Face Pack

Avocado is an excellent moisturizer. It prevents wrinkles and smooth out the skin.

How To Apply Homemade Face Pack: Mash an avocado and mix 1/2 Tbs of lemon with 1 Tbs of mashed avocado.Whisk well, gently massage for 2 minutes and keep it applied for 10 minutes.

9. Aloe Vera And Lemon DIY Face Pack

Aloe Vera is an elixir for your skin. It is rich in anti-oxidants, treats sun burn and acts as a powerful moisturizer. It’s regular use gives you a healthy, supple and glowing skin. It is the best hydrating face pack you can get your hands on.

How To Apply Homemade Face Mask : Extract aloe vera gel from the plant. Whisk well aloe vera gel and apply on your cleansed face for as long as you wish to. In case you are adding lemon too, mix aloe gel and lemon juice in the ratio of 2 to 1 and keep it on your face for about 20 minutes.

Notes :

1. Any moment you have a burning sensation or itching, remove the face pack.

2. For best results, remove your face mask with warm water. Finally, splash some cold water on your face to close the pores.

3. Do not over apply masks as they may damage your pores. Applying exfoliating mask once a week is sufficient. You can apply Hydrating masks more frequently. Regular use of aloe Vera and yogurt is in fact recommended (unless your skin is reactive to these products).

4. While the mask is on, don’t go under sunlight. Try to stay indoors for at least an hour after you remove the face pack.

5. Organic ingredients with high purity will give the best results.

6. In case your facial skin feels dry after applying a mask, apply moisturizer.

Disclaimer: All of us have a different skin type and distinct sensitivities, so while gram flour mask may work for most of us, it’s likely that a few of us may be allergic to it. For this reason, it’s always advisable to test a little of the paste on your skin and watch out for 24 hours for any reaction to appear. Esp. people with sensitive skins should be very careful while choosing face masks. You might as well consult a dermatologist.

Slow down aging of skin by travelling at the speed of light or by following these simple tips on getting a younger looking skin.


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